The global robot market is mainly distributed in China, South Korea, Japan, the United States and Germany, these five countries, the five countries accounted for 3/4 of the global robot market.
China, the world s largest robot market, sold 87000 units in 2016, nearly 97300 units in Europe and the americas. Besides. China s local robot suppliers continue to improve, the market share has reached 31%.
South Korea - the world s second largest industrial robot market, sold 41400 robots in 2016, an increase of 8% over 2015. South Korea is the leader in LCD and memory chip manufacturing markets, and Korea has increased investment in robotics in the electrical and electronics industries. In South Korea s manufacturing sector, about 630 robots are installed in every 10000 employees, the world s highest density of robots.
Japan - industrial robots sold 38600 units in 2016, up 10%, the highest level in ten years in japan. Japan is the leading producer of robots. In order to meet the growing demand of industrial robots, the Japanese robot factory is constantly increasing its production capacity. In 2016, the production reached 152600 units (73900 units in 2010), half of the total supply of robots worldwide.
The USA - industrial robots sold 31400 units in 2016, an increase of 14% over 2015. In order to enhance industrial competitiveness, the USA continuously develops automated production,and brings f oreign manufacturing back to the mainland through preferential policies,thus increasing the investment in production and creating a f avorable market environment for robots.Robot density in the USA is 1261 installations per 10000 employees,second only to South Korea, where most robots in the USA are imported f rom Japan, South Korea and europe.
Germany, the world s fifth largest robot market, is also the largest in the European market. 2016 annual supply and storage of industrial robots accounted for 36% and 41% of total European robot sales, respectively. In 2016, 20039 robots were sold, a slight increase compared with 2015 units in 19945.